May 7, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week 2012.

Yes, I am still alive. lol My life has been quite busy with my business, kids and taking care of the house.  I didn't think working everyday would make my blogging harder but I was dead wrong.  I don't know how working moms do it. I need to try add blogging into my crazy life.

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. As usual, I give each teacher a small gift for every day of the week. Today was my "always a winner" Starbucks cup filled with whole coffee beans and a gift card. A small tag that says "Thanks a Latte for all you do." completes the gift. Super easy. Super cheap if money is tight. 

I think this Wednesday is Teacher Appreciation Day so you can always just give one gift for that special teacher. You don't need to give a gift each day unless you want to or can. In this economy, money can be very tight and teachers don't expect gifts anyway. It's just nice to show your appreciation. A card or a heart felt note will do just the same as a gift. 

I will be posting a different gift tomorrow. Keep an eye out if you are looking for ideas. You can also search my blog for more teacher gifts. 

A Bientot!


Jodee said...

I love, love, love this teacher gift idea. In fact, I have borrowed it several times since the last time you posted it! Thanks so much! I know your teachers will love it!

Here is my post from our Teacher Appreciation Week in March:


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